Choggie's Roast Thread

Welcome everyone to the first VideoSift Roast, brought to you by the Parody! Channel, Your Source for Satire on the Sift™. Today we begin our roast of Choggie, our favorite guy to hate.

Never one to hold back, Choggie has managed to piss off just about everyone at some time or another. It was only a couple of weeks ago I called him a homophobe! Or maybe it was a racist. Not sure, either way - good times!

Running only second to Ant in downvotes, I will say at least he's consistent with his spite. He despises the common, yet in certain moods his Choggish is as base as a feral grunt. Other times it's damn near prophetic.

So y'all go ahead and start the festivities, I need to go ask Google about whether there is peyote in Texas...
MarineGunrock says...

Is this the thread, that we're supposed to be roasting, Choggie in?
I mean, I want to talk, to Choggie. I'd like to have him, tutor me in English.
You see, I'm not, very good with the use of commas. It's like, I'm just not sure when to use, them, where, to use them, or how often, to use them. Can anyone please, explain this to me?

gorgonheap says...

Some of you may not know this but I had a puppet when I was growing up. It was hideous, deformed and creepy. Choggie always reminds me of this puppet, because they look a lot alike, and both had a lot of hands up there ass.

You never know what Choggie will say next. Either way it doesn't matter, you probably wouldn't understand it anyway.

I made a list of Choogie's most used words. His top five are as follows:
1. Bloke
2. Effer
3. Effen
4. Eff you
5. Eff off

Choogie lives in Texas. Which is know for two major exports; Bullshit, and illegal immigrants. The only good thing that comes out of Texas is Interstate 35.

Feel the burn Choogie, thanks for all your contributions to the Sift. Cheers!

choggie says...

I seeeee, no holds barred is the way this is gonna play out, no introductions, no taking turns, a mob-rules sling-a-thon-if that's 2-down, 8 to go, on a scale of one to ten....give it a negative guys can doo wayyy better than that-I've seen better comments on rest-stop bathroom walls in Alabama....

darkrowan says...

Man... Choggie and the English language. What can we say? 3rd World immigrants speak clearer. Linguistic gymnastics that even make Borat's delivery redeemable as needing a little polish.

Oh, and drugs. Peyote ain't the half of it. I specifically watch him manically laugh when serving sautéd mushrooms. And I don't think its just the 'shrooms' either, because the whole thing looks green.... I MEAN GREEN. And not in a rotted way, if you know what I mean. I swear this guys dealer must drop a duce in his pants when Choggie is walking up for a 'purchase'. Else wondering what he can gold plate next with the money.

In all sarcasm aside, the sift would not be the same without ya man. Oddities and all, keep it up.

swampgirl says...

"Choogie lives in Texas. Which is know for two major exports; Bullshit, and illegal immigrants. The only good thing that comes out of Texas is Interstate 35."

I suggest he stay there. It's one of the only states large enough to contain his ego.

Zifnab says...

I'd like to be able to say that Choggie is a man of few words, but the that just couldn't be any farther from the truth. Choggie may be a man of few sensible words, a man of few literate words, a man of few kind words even.

These attributes can be attributed to his education, after all he did learn about the birds and the bees from an animated talking penis and vagina. Or maybe it was the fracked up version of Sesame Street he watched as a little boy. This has led Choggie to classify everyone as either a dick, pussy, or asshole. Don't try to pick a side, Choggie will do that for you.

Now, don't try to debate with Choggie using reason, it will get you nowhere fast. You're only hope, slim as it may be, would be to attempt to use choggish and try to retain some of your own sanity.

Choggie does help keep the sift an interesting place, after all we get to use our imagination when reading his comments and make up the meaning as we go along.

Brought to you by Choggie's favorite letter... P!


hmm come to think of it Choggie just may have eaten one too many Crunchy Frogs.

choggie says...

Damn, thank's for that anagram generator! I typed in the same thing and got "Echo Gig"'s like they're reading my mind!!

Comment Moderation System: (translation)Horseshit. -lazy moderator, begrudged with a task, both unprepared, an uninspired to undertake....yer fired!

I'm shockedanda..p.p.palled. These tiresome inferences to drugs, makes me wonder, where all the jealous, repressed, rage is coming from....too much titty, too much running to caress and fawn, at every little whimper-where was dad, is the question of the day....He's right here.

dotdude says...

Deep in the dark recesses of the great Sift, there lurks a creature so clever with his jabs and prolific with his prose, that few dare utter his name. Noobs tremble with fear that he may pounce at any moment and question the origin of their only video submission. Stars and diamonds cautiously go about their daily sifting dreading that Cheshire smile from the depths of the abyss. Without warning he may disrupt the otherwise tranquil dialogues that litter the landscape. And what do they call this menace to their happy little virtual utopia?


Now playing at your local multiplex. Check for theater listings and show times.

Choggie collectables are now available while they last.

karaidl says...

Choggie's my anti-drug for all the wrong reasons. He's a symbol for incoherent, OCD punctuation addicts everywhere and I think of him like the creepy uncle that hangs around here and no one will leave the kids alone with him. If it's true that everytime a bell rings an angel gets its wings, then I can't help but think that everytime Choggie makes a comment an angel gets its wings ripped off and then viciously beaten.

He's nothing short of a hick Shakespeare, and that's not just cuz he might be a little queer. His words are what would happen if the English language was literally raped. He'll see Webster in Hell.

And don't you worry, Chogster, just in case you ever break your precious punctuation finger, I got some to spare -

choggie says...

*nominating from days back, dotdude, as interim moderator, or whtevrthrfck that means, and to go and get me another one of these (points to vodkaand blueberrypomegranite thing)and for the best shots so far, well, you gotta do bettter than the crowd pleasing midget, who has reserve bigger than the one Gore sold, and the missle silo on e-bay with no bids and who can guess why, not to mention the flagrant abuse of easy to imagine, proper decorum, I am having a rollicking time so far, and there are those to my right and left left, who no doubt prepare before a job interview, by taping an adolescent's tee tee, in a prophylactic, to their inner thigh, hoping for the best, and a cute manager, boss, or overling....I keep the thought-gathering finger poised upon a period, always, thank you ladybug, ellipsis, is what it's called, and like all grammer, easily abused.....

choggie says...

and rottenseed re-rased his last uninspired comment, just so you all know, what haven't been here.....(I only know, cause I'm eidetic a times, remembering only the refined, bits and pieces)-
the hm, actually read....(insert, alcohol-laden ramblings here)

MINK says...

choggie, piss-stream of consciousness, siftidote for y'all (newllenium military dysfunctional complecks), that blows in the wind, soaking the trousers of the apocalypse, with urine... back of a trailer, lack of a failure, when you forget the elegant... as you know, golden showering gifts, from the nostradamian thought penis, chips are stacked, (your bags packed), in iraq.

choggie says...

dotdude far as we can see here, looks as if we've had a turn out like the stems onna corp ballerina, on top of the list for the scratch-rottenseed nutted, and jonny, with alll his gung-ho, seems to have slinked away(pre-mature ejaculator???), I think so!! We will give jonny a shout, and see if he's still game, or presume him dead, or out grabbing lubricant, for a long night on some other site....

I am aslo gonna assume, that most of yas', think you did a swell job, well, nothing to miss the farm report over, I was put dead to sleep.

I will return, directly, only to hope to be as kept and clever as karaidl, whose name I mis-spell on purpose, and whose wit I am am want to match-By the way-you folks kept it so sweet it dripped, I thought I was at a goddamn bird-wash at a honey-tanker spill....

djsunkid says...

Heh, i never posted the little one i got:
In the 15 minutes when he isn't randomly batting at his keyboard, in his drunken, misguided effort at wit, Choggie is spending his time trying to find pictures to offend us. Roadkill anybody?


dotdude says...

We have yet to hear from thesnipe and Fjnbk. They did volunteer.

As for who's next, I guess we could let Thylan roll his D&D dice again. First we need to make sure he has a complete list. Any others who want in should comment to my profile so I can keep track.

Remember to weigh in on the roasts - vote the comments UP or DOWN. We'll be announcing the top Roaster when all this is done!

choggie says...

and zifnab.....I was worried I would have no dirt on you, and low-and-behold, the story of your parents attempt, to erase their genetic contribution to the planet entirely, by running naked into BC, away from "civilization", if you can call Canada in the sixties and seventies that....I can see you running around the living room (school bus), with your tally-whacker swinging back and forth, like a flesh-sickle pendulum, in front of a ripe plum. It is refreshing to know, that you had a solid reason for dropping out of school. The Internet. Now that you have a premier,tenured, chair-shaping position at university (hoser think-tank) the future is no doubt brighter, for your own kid, zinfab jr.

So dotdude......did this thing shape up like it should have?? Of course, ya performed lie a true coonass, tripping over craw-dad mounds to run away, as soon as the waterfront changed......Folk art is a big deal in LA, and galleries like the laundry mat , the dockside bar, and the bait shop, are all splattered with the, "thousand points of smudge", finger-paintings, DD has to offer, those true seekers, of the gifted and talented color, in the land of hand-made dikes,
drive-through likker stores, and Chocolate City Mayors. Any deceased family members returning with the spring floods next year????

choggie says...

gorgonheap, took the geek channel a while back, or created it, or something, I have never been there until today-fact of the matter is, I haven't been to my channel since I was coerced by another sifter, who chimed in here, but was too comfy in the fraidy-hole (and lifting the finger off the one on the bong), to come out and play-
I never understood, how geeks learned to relish in their enigmatic square-ness, instead of learning some practical skills-Like how to use a zipper, which fork to scratch with, etc., and none so more adept daily, than this one with the furries/PBS fettish.
This kid loves to make up for all the wedgies in gym class, when there is someone self-linking here, he ripps virtual asshole, like its going out of style, or at least not available to him, while behind closed bed-room door (mom's house), with his pals on Second Life. Oh wait. Sorry. Your a man. TeamFortress2, future sociopaths of America training camp.

Did I miss anybody??? Ahhhh...the mistress of ceremony, opera-glass Sheila, the resident queen of dead blogs, second only to ladybug, in her care for things birthed, and left to fend.(damn...can't find it now, it has a lovely picture of her in her raincoat, and her ass is not as fat as she wants y'all t'believe either......she is, in fact, the stick-figure opposite, which is perhaps why high winds, and disasters that come with getting blown away, excite her. I dunno, a weather blog, is excitement squared, and all the interesting folks DO seem to always be talking about the weather.
Rock and Roll will never die, but it will always insure, that she is in the #1 spot on the Videosift, like the only pimp at a hooker's convention, her job is waaaayyyyy to easy!

This was a real shebang folks, hope y'all all learned something from this experiment......karaidl, you have my vote for the saves, although we really should have developed more a symbiotic, double-team....I am simply not in your league, young goodman braun.

choggie says...

I forgot MarineGunrock, though I bust his balls enough already, they are probly' still wait, they have always been blue, since high school, he has been such a sweet guy, that whenever he gets close to busting a nut, he's always making excuses why he has to take the girls back to the revues he picks em up at. Who's yer favorite MG, the Liza Minelli or the Judy Garland impersonators???

MG saw the shit a short time ago, and he has no doubt, like all our boys, come back changed. Instead of job-hopping or hitchhiking naked, he's found solace in a community of teen-agers, shut-in's, and maximum-potential puter-users. Welcome to the sift, again, ya haircut-a-day powderkeg.....

choggie says...

One more, she came crying to me, that she had been forgotten-I told her she was better off asking her long-eared pal for some props, but she promised never to post another vidoe, about her mid-life crush, so anything for no more BillShatner.

Swampgirl lives in N.Carolina. I don't know too much about the place, cept' that they were the last state to discover toothbrushes. she was kind enough to send me a questionnaire, that all her state's residents are required to complete, prior to being granted a driver's license...

Last name: ________________

First name: (Check appropriate box)
(_) Billy-Bob
(_) Billy-Joe
(_) Billy-Ray
(_) Billy-Sue
(_) Billy-Mae
(_) Billy-Jack

elationship with spouse: (Check appropriate box)
(_) Sister
(_) Brother
(_) Aunt
(_) Uncle
(_) Cousin
(_) Mother
(_) Father
(_) Son
(_) Daughter
(_) Pet goes on and on like this, she sent me a copy that had more than 3 boxes checked on each question, to confuse me. She has other dogs besides the one floppy-eared one but she won't let it in the house....her husband got tired of sharing the only upper-bridge toothbrush. in the house. You can't ever be, too sweet if you are swampgirl, who would rather let her house burn down, than to bother the volunteer firemen during supper....her idea of confrontation, is blinking both eyes at once, something she has sworn never to do again, for the sake of her forehead. Love ya swampy, hope you recover, soon.

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